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So, I just watched an orange juice commercial in which the Mom is sitting at the table being briefed by a group of people.  Each person described what she could expect to face as her day developed.  She responds with, "well I'm glad I have my orange juice."  Sitting here, I'm thinking Wow, if we could be privy to that kind of information every morning!  Of course, even as I type, I'm thinking, Wouldn't I just go back to bed rather than face those obstacles today? 

So it is with our christian walk.  Proverbs 20:24 tells us that "man's steps are ordered by the Lord."  God does not unfold His plan for us step-by-step.  Sometimes He even gets super quiet when He is about to unfold something great for us.  My mind immediately goes to my kids.  I see myself holding a great big surprise behind my back.  I am as excited as they are to open my hands as they peer expectantly inside.  I think our Heavenly Father must feel the same way.  He has so much that He wants to give us!  Sometimes He will send words of encouragement about things He's sending our way or even warnings so we can be prayerfully prepared to handle what's ahead.  I do, however, think that sometimes He just wants to surprise us!  I envision His delight to see our faces light up when we receive an unexpected miracle or we see something meant for harm turn out for our good. Besides, if we did know, we'd likely jump ahead of His timing and spoil the surprise, or lose out all together because we could not be patient and wait.  I'm reminded of the time my niece and nephew decided to unwrap their Christmas presents early.  Same thing...ruins it for everyone.  It not only diminishes the luster for the recipient, but it also takes away the excitement from the Giver, too.

I love Psalm 37:23 which is recorded as "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."  He, the Creator of the Universe, God of All Creation, delights in even the smallest details of our lives.  That is pretty awesome to think about! :)

So, at the end of the day, I would say I am so thankful I don't have to rely on orange juice for strength.  Of course, at one point in my life it was what I was mixing with that orange juice that gave me false hope and false strength!  Now, though, I know God's got it!  He has my back and He know the plans He has for me! (Jeremiah 29:11)  Talk about security. 

Psalm 35:27 “Great is the Lord,who delights in blessing his servant with peace!”


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