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Trees Are Trees

Source Unknown
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then, God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light." Genesis 1:1-3

Creation was a six-day process that began and ended with the spoken word of God. He created the heavens and the earth, dry land and the seas, vegetation, seed-bearing plants, and trees on fruit-bearing land. He created seasons, living creatures, and man. Our Creator then rested on the seventh day, the day of fulfillment, the completion of His perfect plan. In one of my favorite passages in Genesis, the scripture depicts the scene of the "Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day." Can you picture it? The Creator walking through His very own creation in the early evening enjoying the brilliant, colorful flowers with their fragrance lingering in the air. The regal trees swaying slightly with the wind producing a soothing breeze. Wild animals milling about peacefully likely grazing in the grass or lying under shade trees. All creation on display for its Maker's delight. What a sight to behold!

Romans 1:20 tells us that if we want to see His eternal power and know the divine nature of God, we should look at all He has made. Through creation, His invisible qualities were made visible "so that people will have no excuse." Have you ever thought about the fact that humans are the only thing in creation that does not obey God without questioning, reasoning, or procrastinating? Wouldn't you agree that we are not living wholly in our purpose, being who or what we were created to be, God's plan fulfilled on this earth every single day? To go a step further, neither do we praise Him unconditionally with all our being in all that we do to bring Him glory!

Consider the trees for a moment. The largest plants on Earth stand confidently reaching high toward the sun, dancing in the winds, soaking up the rain, and growing deep roots. The towering timbers drop seedlings to reproduce. While some trees have medicinal properties, others bear fruit. However, the oak tree does not mimic the pine tree. The apple tree does not try to produce oranges. The maple tree does not conform to the image of the great cedar trees. There is no competition between them. Trees function obediently in their purpose without hesitation. They are steadfast where they are planted not looking to the right or to the left, but upward. Trees are trees in every season from being stripped of its leaves in the winter season to bearing fruit in the spring. They do not waiver but stand erect in the heat of summer just the same as in the coolness of the autumn season. Majestic and tall, worshiping with their branches extended to the Heavens, they lead us by example. Trees are trees. 

All creation obeys God and in doing so all creation praises Him! The ocean does not pass its boundary, yet it is ever moving in a rhythmic tune. The bees pollinate the flowers with a joyous hum, the elements perform on command with thunder clapping and lightning illuminating the sky! The sun rises announcing a new day of fresh mercy and sets in an array of glorious colors and hues. The rivers flow with all their might and the brooks babble a melody. Jesus demonstrated his authority and the wind and waves responded in obedience to His word. When we walk in total obedience just as Jesus did here on Earth, we become an effectual part of the Kingdom operating in the same power and authority. Our lives will be holy praise, a sweet-smelling fragrance unto our Lord.

Scripture tells us that if we do not praise God, He will command the rocks to cry out. I do not want a rock to cry out in my place! The Lord has been too good to me and has brought me through some incredibly difficult circumstances. He IS forever faithful! So, my prayer today is to intentionally live each day in submission and obedience to God’s perfect plan for me, to be only who He created me to be so that He may be glorified in me! 

 Psalm 113:3 "From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. The name of the Lord is to be praised!"

 To God be all the glory!



  1. This world is never boring if we take the time to look at it to see how many varieties there are of trees - just like people- so many varieties. Great writing!


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