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Imagine pulling up to the speaker at a McDonald's drive thru:

Crew Member:  "Welcome to McDonald's.  May I take your order?"
Customer:  "Yes, I would like whatever you have left from breakfast."
Crew Member:  "Ma'am, we do have part of a biscuit and a piece of half-eaten bacon.  There is probably a third of a cup of coffee left, but we are totally out of creamer."
Customer:  "That's fine.  I'm not really that hungry.  Whatever you have left.  I'll make do with that."

Sounds silly, doesn't it?  We do this all the time in life and even in our spiritual walk.  We settle, we eke by on scraps, we "make do."

In relationships, we can be just as ridiculous.  I have been guilty of taking whatever someone will give just to be with them.  I'm here to tell you that while loneliness seems unbearable, feeling used can kill you.  Not only will your self-esteem be obliterated, you will become enslaved to that selfish person throwing you crumbs.  The "relationship" is really a mind control game.  The give and take becomes imbalanced with one doing all the giving and one doing all the taking.

Why do we succumb to such an obvious injustice?  Usually, this lopsidedness in relationship is gradual.  That's how deception works.  Things appear to be one way, yet time reveals ALL things such as motives, character (or the lack thereof), truth and lies.  The heart.  Job said it best in chapter 15:31, "Let him not deceive himself by trusting what is worthless, for he will get nothing in return." 

Another reason we may fall captive to this way of thinking is an already low self-esteem.  Maybe we are the product of other unhealthy, broken relationships.  So, we think, maybe it is better this way.  I'm not a good wife, maybe I'd be better as only a live-in girlfriend or perhaps a mistress.  Or worse, I probably deserved that smack in the face.  Proverbs 19:22 tells us that "What a person desires is unfailing love."  That can only be found in God.  He will, yes HE will, send people into your life that are an addition, not people who will deplete and then, discard you.  You have to decide two things.  One, you are worth it.  Two, you will wait for it.  What He has for you is worth the wait.  You will be spared so much heartache.  Trust me.

In our spiritual walk, we often depend on the salvation of others to bring us through.  It is not enough to live on what you hear from the pulpit on Sundays and Wednesdays.  You must, must, must search the Word all week long.  Pray daily.  Become what Joyce Meyer describes as spiritual hogs. 

Do not settle for the crumbs that fall under the table.  Crumbs are for dogs.  You, my friend, are worth EVERYTHING God has for you.  Christ died for YOU.  Be who God created you to be for "you are fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14)

No more leftovers.  I want the full meal deal!

Psalm 145:16 "You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing."


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