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No Shame

Photo by Ben White
I believe one of the most daunting things in my Christian journey is the art of being real, not with others, but with myself and with my Creator. This morning, a remarkably simple scripture sprung from the page and threw darts at my unsuspecting heart. Genesis 2:25 speaks of the time immediately following Eve's entrance into the Garden of Eden. It is written, "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

Wow! Many times, I have felt completely exposed in the presence of my King, but very few are the times I felt unashamed. Usually, I just want to run for cover as Adam and Eve did and hide behind the cloak of denial and feigned ignorance. Not wanting to admit difficulty with those besetting sins that continue to trip us up--gluttony, anorexia, jealousy, inadequacy, rejection, pride, insecurity, arrogance, vanity, alcoholism, drug abuse, or even standing in judgment of those who clearly do not have it all together, not by our standards at least. Adam and Eve felt no shame because they knew no sin. They were innocent. The guilt of sin is what makes us want to flee the scene and hide behind masks of perfection.

Chew on this nugget of truth found in Luke 8:15, "And the seeds that fell on good ground represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God's word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest." When we fall on the Master with complete honesty and we cling to and apply His word to our lives, we become fruitful. I have found the only way to overcome those things I wrestle with in my own life is to first find pure honesty about its existence. Next, true confession to my Savior who washes me, keeps me, and sets my feet back in a secure place is good for this weary soul. Then, the struggle becomes a redemptive story. A story to be shared with others who find themselves in a tiresome, seemingly never-ending battle with themselves. The honest heart reaps a vast harvest!

This biblical account is encouraging to me because once the sin was discovered and dealt with albeit severely in this case, we find in Genesis 3:21 that God Almighty made garments for Adam and Eve "and clothed them."  He clothed them. Know this. We also have a covering through the blood of Jesus.  Because of His sacrifice, we are made righteous. We can, therefore, come boldly before the throne of grace with no shame. One of my favorite scriptures is from Judges 6:34 which begins, "But the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with Himself and took possession of him..."

Love the lyrics of Among the Thirsty, "I am completely surrendering. Finally, giving you everything. You're my Redeemer. I run to the cross because You are more than enough..."

"...Listen to my cry for help. Pay attention to my prayer, for it comes from honest lips."
Psalm 17:1


  1. Thank you for the encouraging words! I have struggled with this for many of years I have gave it to the Lord so many times but always seem to pick it back up! I know God will take it away if I would let Him but I have to be able to admit my past admit I was abused admit I struggle with so much on a daily basis! Admit that I am struggling with forgiveness! I feel so bound up with these heavy chain the strongholds of my past! I know the Lord has plans for me I have seen Him move in so many ways why can't I just move forward struggling with this God even has given me a sermon on my past wrote it all down have read it 100x but can't seem to soak it in! God help me to stop holding back to walk with you to place my feet firm on your solid rock!

    1. The past is the past. Tell God EVERYTHING and leave it there. Walk forward and don't give up! Your father is the King of Kings. NOTHING is impossible with Him! Thanks for reading and sharing your heart with me. I will be in prayer for you today. <3


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