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Looking Back

Photo by Aja.
As a rule, reflecting on the past is discouraged. Mourning over past relationships, losses, mistakes made can be destructive. Like David, I have cried out so many times, "How long, Lord?" I often wondered if my life's journey will be wandering around in the desert land circling these same mountains, fighting these same battles, tripping over these same obstacles. Will I ever make progress? Will I ever see the mountain top, the Promised Land?

I am reminded of a time when my girls were both in diapers totally dependent on me for everything. Sometimes I would be become so frustrated wondering if I would EVER be able to enjoy a television show without interruption or be able to sleep without an invasion of tiny tots who would steal my covers and send me running for the sofa in the middle of the night. Now, however, they can go outside and play without constant supervision. They can prepare their own breakfast and get dressed by themselves. Of course, they still need me, but we have found a relaxed state of existence.

So it is with our journey in Christ. This morning, you may have awakened with a heavy heart of discouragement thinking you will never gain ground in the Kingdom, but I am here to tell you that is a lie from the pit of hell to prevent you from walking forward.  Things come to shake us and to reveal those hidden places in our hearts. We do not just hide sin in our hearts, but also hurts, insecurities, fears, and anxiety which can also stall our advancement.

This morning, I was so encouraged by Leviticus 26:13.
"I am the Lord your God Who brought you up from the land of Egypt, so you would no longer be their slaves. I broke the yoke of slavery from your neck so you can walk with your head held high."
There is hope, my sweet friend. God has not forsaken you. Look back to the place from which He brought you and hold your head high! You have made progress. You are not the person you were a year ago, a month ago, or even yesterday. You are not stalled but forging through! Rejoice and share the good news, the freedom that comes only in serving the risen Savior!

"And in the future, your children will ask you, 'What does this mean?' Then, you will tell them, 'With the power of His mighty hand, the Lord brought us out of Egypt, the place of our slavery.'"

Exodus 13:14


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