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Photo by Wesley Tingey
Hello. My name is Brittni and I am a cop show junkie. There, I said it. My love of cloak-and-dagger mystery comes from both of my parents--my dad, the former cop, and my mom who was the murder-and-mayhem junkie first. Nothing agitates me more than to see the innocent accused, the little man squashed by the powerful tycoon, the unsuspecting friend betrayed by the ambitious fortune-hunter, and so on. You get the picture. I despise injustice.

I do adore the biblical story of Esther because there are so many nuggets to take away from this story. When I think of Esther, my focus is typically on the young girl, shrouded in God's favor with destiny and purpose all over her life. One who undergoes extensive beauty treatments for a year in preparation for her King, which speaks volumes to a single lady. However, in reading the short, scriptural book this week, my focus turned to Mordecai, Esther's cousin, and guardian after the death of her parents. I encourage you to read this narrative for yourself, but I will attempt to give you the condensed version without omitting the goodies.

Mordecai's role in the narrative is the little guy turned hero. Haman, the King's top official, is the epitome of the power-hungry, egotistical villain who resents that Mordecai neither fears nor honors him in any capacity. He decides to take matters into his own hands and seeks revenge. However, God intervened and through the obedience of Esther and Mordecai, Haman's evil plot was exposed in the presence of the King. Mordecai was honored before the people and Haman was hanged by the King's order on the very gallows he built with the intention of hanging Mordecai.

If you find yourself in an unfair or unbalanced situation, take heart and be encouraged by Psalm 9:16 which states, "The Lord is known for His justice. The wicked are trapped by their own deeds." Pray and trust your all-knowing Father to settle the matter His way and in His perfect timing. Scripture tells us His light penetrates our spirit and exposes our hidden motives. (Proverbs 20:27) He will make the crooked paths straight and the truth will ultimately prevail. In a word of caution, though, be sure to ask God to reveal any hidden motives or agendas in your heart as well. Sometimes, what may seem like an injustice done to us may in fact be the result of our own unjust actions, unintentional or otherwise.

"Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the scriptures say, 'I will take revenge; I will pay them back,' says the Lord."

Romans 12:19


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