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Not My Will

The stage is set.  The performers, meticulously selected for their roles, are waiting in the wings.  The house lights go down, blackout, the theatre is dark.  Stage lights go on and it is curtain time.

Here I am, center stage with the spotlight directly on me and I am completely oblivious.  There is no script.  I set about my daily activities not realizing there's an audience just a few feet away observing every action taken and every word spoken.  The audience is comprised of all the heavenly hosts and rulers of the darkness.  Everyone, captivated by the events about to unfold on the stage,  looks on in eerie silence.

I am startled by the entrance of another player from stage left.  Looks harmless, though.  We become engaged in conversation and I am carried away from the light and into the wings.  Fortunately, I am quickly snatched back to the stage by my children, but my eyes are now peering into the darkness.  What was that? 

From stage right, another player enters bringing what seems to be revelation, but wait.  What exactly is your role in all of this?  Before I can get refocused, other players emerge from various positions on the stage.  Each with their own motive, their own tactic to distract:  tugging, taunting, seducing, rejecting, flattering, despising.  False perspective in full play here.  In theatrical terms, "false perspective" is when a part is emphasized to the make the whole appear larger.  Relating that to the spirit realm, isn't that exactly what Satan does?  Isn't that one of his tactics?  Smoke and mirrors, imagery, all a ruse.

As I look around, I find there is no one left on stage.  Standing there alone, the audience becomes visible to me.  I see the tears of some and hear the snickers of others.  I fall to my knees and immediately begin to pray, all the while plotting my own ending to the scene.  By praying my will, I am in all actuality telling the writer, director and producer just exactly what needs to happen for this play, my life, to be successful.  I formulate the right timing and the chronological order of events.  I rearrange the setting, edit the dialogue, and create the climax of the story as I deem appropriate.

Of course, that doesn't exactly please the Author/Playwright.  For He has already set the stage, cast the players, written the story.  The timing and the setting, the plot and the climax need no adjustments from the mere mortal who didn't even realize she was on stage.  For His timing is perfect.  He doesn't make mistakes.  There is no need for rewrites for He already knows how the story will unfold, and He places the selected players in their proper positions.   The staging, the setting, the plotting, the ending is perfect and it is already completed.  With tears of shame, I humbly approach my Director and say, "Father, not my will, but Yours be done."

Tonight, I finally put it all together.  Actually, I stopped long enough to listen to what the Lord has been trying to tell me all along.  He had already said, "Yes," but I had questioned if I heard Him.  He had already reminded me that He keeps His promises.  Through the prayers of many He had already lifted me up.  Encouragement granted through some very dear friends and family members.  He had already told me what to do through a sermon on Sunday and Bible study last night.  Then, tonight, a Facebook status on God's perfect timing was sent my way.  You see, I was trying so hard to move God that I was unaware He had already moved in my behalf. 

So, the answer didn't come in the way I expected nor did it come in my timing.  Even though I sat, cried, fasted, and even one night slept at Jesus' feet, I forgot one thing.  The most important thing.  I didn't stop to listen.  Oh, how merciful He is!  It was when I finally threw up my hands and said, "Okay, God, I can't cry another tear over this.  I give up!  I ask your forgiveness for my actions, rebellion, and unbelief.  I give this to you to do with what You will," the answer came with such an incredibly sweet softness.  My burden was lifted, my soul set free.  The guilt is gone and now comes His peace.

The valuable lesson here?  You may not get what you want when you want it, but you can't sit at the feet of Jesus and not be changed.

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."


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