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White Christmas

photo by: freestocks

Ah, the Christmas season is upon us. The time of year where people are a little bit kinder, more compassionate, and even generosity peeks out from the pocket we have shoved it all year when our own needs, wants, and aspirations take priority. Alas, the holidays can also be bleak. Amidst all the festivities and throngs of people milling about the malls, grocery stores, parades, office parties, and grand church productions, loneliness creeps in and overtakes in a sneak attack. An indescribable emptiness brings consuming, tormenting thoughts that seep every ounce of joy from those things that usually bring smiles and makes everyday tasks feel insurmountable. Christmas movies have become more about falling in love and dreams coming true which only adds to the disappointment realized on January 1 when nothing magical took place for you. 

This morning, thoughts collided forming something so beautiful in my mind as I heard the words, "white Christmas." Shift your focus from blankets of snow, warm fires, fuzzy socks, and hot chocolate. Imagine a gift not wrapped in bows, but in swaddling clothes. A love that is bigger than the little package born in a cold stable amongst filthy livestock. A baby sent to resurrect us from the grave. Visualize the tomb of disappointments, rejections, and loss opening with the stone being rolled away. 

I challenge you to throw off the shame of barrenness, the shadow of lack, and the cloak of loneliness. Stand with arms opened wide, defenses down, and with a heart of humility turned toward heaven allow yourself to be washed clean, white as snow with the understanding that cleansing is not just from sin. A crimson flow removing the stench of those things that would mar you, flushing out the infection of past hurts, rejections, insecurities, or anything that handicaps you is as freeing as the redemption of sins. Deep wounds cleansed so healing takes place. Yes, sometimes the cleansing process stings. Sometimes, it is just painful. In the natural, the debridement of a wound is painful. So, it is with the debridement of a mindset or the debridement of a heart, but the results of total healing are far greater than the pain of the process.

Proverbs 31:21 states, "when it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet." Let us go a little deeper than the face value of this scripture. Envision a moment of desiring rather than fearing purification because you are clothed in the blood shed for you. Your lacerations covered, healed because of wounds inflicted on the Savior of the World.  

Psalm 34:18 reminds us, "He is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." For that, we should be ever grateful. Now, put on a garment of praise! Let this Christmas be one of redemption, resurrection, restoration, and the beginning of a beautiful romance with the only true lover of your soul. There is nothing more romantic than a man born to die for you. There is no greater love story. A life laid down to give me mine. 

Luke 2:10-11 "...Fear not: for behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."


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