Photo by Gene Jeter In Genesis 11, we read the biblical story of the Tower of Babel and the group of people who in their arrogance believed they could build a tower that would reach the heavens in order to "make a name for themselves." This egotistical plan was soon thwarted by God in an interesting manner. He could have destroyed the tower with one breath or sent an earthquake to swallow up the little peons. Perhaps, even a torrential rain or a consuming fire could have destroyed their scheme, but God saw a different way, a better way. He "confused their language." No one was speaking the same language; therefore, they could not communicate effectively. The work stopped. The people scattered. In like manner, Christians today are speaking a different language. An independent, lone-ranger vernacular of self-gratification and idolatry more consistent with the I-Must-Fit-In Syndrome and God's-Grace-Is-Sufficient-So-I-Can-Do-Whatever-The-Heck-I-Want Disease that h...
"The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success..." Genesis 24:40