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Buried Alive

Buried alive in the natural...probably every person's worst nightmare.  The lack of oxygen leads to a slow, cruel, torturous death.  First, loss of consciousness.  Next, permanent brain damage.  Finally, death.  I would guess the moments leading up the to the loss of consciousness would be the longest moments spent on earth.  The fear of the unknown, the fear of death seems more painful than the actual process of dying.

Buried alive spiritually...very much the same process.  Sounds unthinkable, bizarre even, but it happens to many every single day, often without their knowledge.  Spiritual death can happen to you sitting on the front row in church just as easily as sitting in the local pub.  Death can come while out clubbing with friends or delivering a sermon in the pulpit.

I hear the question What do you mean, what are you even talking about?

Buried alive is...that moment when you wake up and say How did I get here?  I thought about it that one time, only tried it once.   I really thought I could handle it, that I was stronger...

Buried alive is...when things that once brought tears to your eyes can no longer move you.  Forget compassion.

Buried alive is...the need to gasp for air though outwardly there are no apparent signs of distress.

Buried alive sparkle in your eyes, no signs of life, emotionless...dead.

In the natural, it is almost comical to state the cause of death when one's buried alive is asphyxiation.  Well, duh, no air.  Interestingly enough, there are other causes of death such as dehydration, starvation, and in cold climates, hypothermia. 

Romans 6:23 tells us "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  This scripture at face value does refer to eternal life and eternal "death."  Hell.  However, let's take this a step further  Just as we have heaven on earth, we have hell on earth.  Sin brings death right here on this planet.  One little sin here.  One little sin there.  Before long, they all snowball and down the hill with Jack and Jill we go.  At the bottom of the hill, we find that we are too condemned to read our bible.  We feel we are too far down, too far from God's ear to even think of approaching the Throne, most especially in this condition.  Church?  Yea, I don't think so. 

So, where are we now? 
Thirsty (dehydration); Hungry (starvation); Cold (hypothermia); Shortness of Breath (asphyxiation)

And, what happens next?
Can't see and don't want to (loss of consciousness); Can't think (brain damage); Can't breathe (death)

What are the logical solutions in the natural and in the spiritual?

"Jesus answered...but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'” John 4:13-14

"For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” John 6:33

Find warmth.
"For our 'God is a consuming fire.'” Hebrews 12:29

"The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life." Job 33:4

No matter where you've been or what you've done, there is hope, there is life.  I am living proof.  I hit rock bottom.  I compromised my beliefs and rebelled against everything I had ever been taught as a child reared in church and in the ways of the Lord.  All it took was a thought, a look in the wrong direction, then, a landslide.  BUT, I believe with all my heart that God allows U-Turns.  All it took to get back to the Throne of Grace was one made-up mind, one decision that turned me about face.  Then, all I had to do was take the first step in the right direction and life returned to a lifeless body.  The Life Paddles were applied and my heart was jump-started.  The spirit man whose life was almost snuffed out, buried alive is now Back to Life.

2 Samuel 22:4-7 "I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise...The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. But in my distress I cried out to the Lord; yes, I cried to my God for help.  He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry reached his ears."


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