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Showing posts from 2011

Finally, a Positive Word for 2012

With the new year approaching, the prevalent word has been gloomy.  "O, the Woes of 2012!"  People prophesying the doom and gloom to come...the end of the world.  While I do believe God is calling us to come up higher, He is also bringing judgment.  That is evident.  Finally, though, God speaks to His people.  I think of the identical phrase used by Joel and Malachi in the Old Testament--the great and terrible day of the Lord.  It reminds me of the opening to "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens.  "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way..." I have had the privilege of g...

The Little Drummer Boy

There are three Christmas carols that are my most favorite.  Each song is beautiful, but when sung by certain people can make the hair on your arms stand up at attention!  "Carol of the Bells" performed by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and the passionate rendition of "O Holy Night" by David Phelps are two at the top of my list.  Most especially, I love, love, love.... "The Little Drummer Boy" perfected by the Simpson sisters, Jessica and Ashley.  Have you ever just listened to the lyrics?  Sure we sing the ancient tale mechanically.  We teach it to our kids because they are captivated by the "pa rum pum pum."  Each time I hear that song, my mind instantly plays the scene of the 3 Kings traveling a long distance just to bring gifts to the newborn King.  I picture the the backdrop, a lowly stable and the very young mother presented with the Ultimate Gift.  And of course, the beggarly boy confidently playing his drum...the fictio...

I Have Overcome the World!

I've been listening to Joyce Meyer's "Armed and Dangerous" series on my way to work.  These messages are just as power-packed as all of her messages.  Something particular stuck out to me that I've never noticed before.  Meyer points out that when Jesus prayed for his disciples, He never addressed a certain problem, or trial, or "family situation" that each of the men might have been struggling with at the time.  Rather, He prayed for their strength, their faith, their futures.  In other words, He didn't pray that their problems would just go away.  He prayed for them to have what they needed to walk through them.  This is evidenced by the passage found in John 16:33, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  So, He encouraged his brethren by letting them know the battle is already won! I know I often get bogged down in...

In the Garden

As we celebrate the holidays, we give thanks for the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  We celebrate the life of the One Who came as a baby in the flesh.  We see beautiful nativity scenes and we sing odes to Mary the unsuspecting vehicle of the Christ.  Truly, it is or should be as we sing, "the most wonderful time of year!" Unfortunately, we often times get sidetracked from the entire purpose of such fantastic festivities.  We choose to not think of the gruesome way He died and tend to forget the reason for the season.  That is, the man whose ultimate destiny was death--an agonizing, brutal murder on a cross--a crucifixion.  Picture, if you will, Jesus the night before His tortuous death that He endured for you and me.  Come with me to the Garden of Gethsemane. The Bible tells us Jesus said to His disciples, "Sit down here while I pray."  Then, He took Peter, James and John, the three closest to Him, further into the...

Wheat and Tares

Every night before bed, I read a Biblical chapter.  I've been reading the book of Matthew and last night I read chapter 13 which is full of parables told by Jesus.  Not only have I read these parables before, but I've heard countless sermons on these passages.  I know you, too, will be familiar with them.  As I was reading the parable on the wheat and tares, I saw something that I've never seen before.  One reason I enjoy reading the Bible is no matter how many times I read it, I often see something I've never seen before.  It's like rereading a book or watching a movie I've seen previously and then seeing a part I somehow missed the first, second or even a third time.  The parable on the wheat and the tares came alive to me last night.  Walk with me through this oh so familiar tale of the wheat and the weeds. Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to a man who planted good seed in his field.  The Teacher explains that while everyone w...

Making Progress

I'm sitting here in my apartment, the only light is the glow of the computer screen, the only sound is the whirl of the dishwasher.  I've been thinking about this past year.  So many ups and downs.  So many possibilities turned to disappointments.  Peaks and valleys.  The only consistency in my life lately seems to be inconsistency, uncertainty.  I've been afraid to smile at something good ahead, thinking when am I going to find out this isn't real?  Or, what is this going to cost me?  Though I've tried to safeguard myself from certain situations, it is as though I find myself right in the middle of it, again.  To me, the only thing worse than reliving the past, is repeating it. I think of the Israelites...40 years of wandering around the same mountain.  Many never made it to the Promised Land.  Moses, their leader, only got to see it from afar off.  I've been asking God, "How much longer will I continue to walk around t...

The Blood

Tonight, I have to tell you that I am feeling so convicted!  Several months ago, I watched Mel Gibson's, The Passion of the Christ , again.  I saw this very realistic film in the theater when it was first released.  I wept through the entire movie.  Horrific scenes from the movie have flashed before my eyes several times over the past few days.  It all began when I gave blood earlier this week. I was sitting in the air conditioned bloodmobile on a cushioned "bed" with a needle in my arm experiencing no pain as I voluntarily gave my blood that will hopefully save someone's life down the road.  I was watching one of the nurses carefully carry a bag of blood over to the counter when the thought came to my mind... I sure hope she doesn't drop all that blood.  The nurse was very careful, deliberate, and methodical in her moves as she took the blood over to begin the storing process.  Almost instantly, I heard this startling question, "How m...

The Best of Times in The Worst of Times

Google Images Blessed :  happy; to be envied; spiritually prosperous-with life joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions No doubt, times are hard. Everywhere we look, it seems people are struggling—struggling with finances and unemployment, poor health, rebellious children, etc. Life is bleak. As Christians, we know we have the promise of a better, more fulfilling life so how do we stand on those promises? How do we find that “joy unspeakable” (1 Peter 1:8) and “peace that passes all understanding?” (Philippians 4:7) Knowing the Bible is our “life manual,” I have been searching the scriptures to find the answer. In my quest for true happiness, I did not find one scripture that referenced a big house, perfect children, an expensive car, an elite social status with country club membership. Nor did I find age-defying beauty tips or trendy clothing and bargain shopping. Secrets to obtaining those material things we tend to believe...

What IS That Smell?

As Christians, we know that sin in and of itself is deceptive. The biggest deception is the belief that the sin, whatever it may be, is undetectable and affects only the person committing the sin. A phrase from the book of Isaiah comes to mind, "Instead of fragrance, there will be a stench..." (Isaiah 3:24) Today, this phrase and the following analogy collided in my mind. Ponder this... Smoking. Scripture tells us, "For the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23). The initial attraction for smoking should certainly be outweighed by the deadly side effects--respiratory failure, lung cancer and heart disease to name a few. No matter your sex, race or creed, whether you are rich or poor, or if you practice an alternative lifestyle, the same risks and side effects apply. Under the weight and anxiety of sin, or the attempt to conceal a particular sin, breathing can feel like a difficult task. I often associate sin with cancer as it permeates, it kills. Obviously, transgr...


For the past three years, I have faced some very difficult things.  I've had to make hard decisions, life changing decisions.  Within the past year, most of those have settled, but there have been what I call residual issues to work out.  Basically, the cleanup after the storms.  You know those regrets and if onlys that linger.  The fight to not to return to old patterns and addictions and temptations... So tonight, I prayed, "God, I don't want to be this person.  I am so tired of struggling with these things.  I know You've said You are working things out.  In the meantime, please help me to wait!  Give me a hunger for You."  I heard, I already have.  You are trying to fill it with everything else. Guilty! I once heard someone say that there is a God-shaped hole in our hearts and that nothing will fill it, but God.  All the desires, all the dreams, all the plans must be His desires, His dreams, His plans for us....

Overcoming Temptation

What is it? A temptation is defined by as an enticement "to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong or immoral." Where does it come from? Usually, it is a device from Satan to entrap you, but often times God allows us to be tempted to test our faith. My mother told me an interesting story the other day that I have been chewing on. It is the story of my aunt who smoked for many years and decided it was time to quit. So, what did she do? She put a pack of cigarettes on her mantle in plain sight and told herself, "I can have one if I want it, but I choose not to smoke." Once she determined to lay it down, she never picked them back up. So, I related that very concept to any temptation. Overcoming temptation is not just by avoiding the temptation, but rather by choosing not to indulge in that very temptation. Sin is very appealing and can suck you in before you realize it. Overeating, for example, cannot be avoided by just not buying food. You ha...

Be Encouraged

This week I've been praying about a certain matter with my family.  I prayed, Lord, please help us make right decisions.  Help us to be in the right place at the right time so we don't miss what you are about to do in our lives.   One morning as I got into my car, I noticed a Bible scripture that comes to me phone via The Bible app.  The Scripture is found in Isaiah 30:21 which states, "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'  I was blown away to say the least!  Last night, I read several verses preceding this one and several after it.  Even more encouragement came to my spirit.  I would like to share it with you.  The passage may seem a little lengthy, but it is so worth the read!  So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.  For the Lord is a faithful God.  Blessed are those who wait for his help. ...

For Others

I've recently started a new job for a local hospital in a small town nearby.  My department is responsible for revenue management.  It is our responsibility to identify trends or patterns of errors that might interrupt our revenue flow.  Our duty is process improvement which means we find errors in insurance and patient billing, supply billing, patient registration, etc. as well as creating new processes for a smooth, positive patient experience.  We troubleshoot and create protocols, also.  In other words,  If this happens, then our process will be... Likewise, If this doesn't happen, then we will...   Thus, new systems are put into place, new policies are implemented, employee education is conducted, and a new policy or instruction manual for present and future employees is created.  This morning over coffee, I began to compare my job duties for the hospital with my job duties as a Christian.  I was astonished at the simila...

Back to School

It's that time, again--Back to school! As a part of preparing our kids for school, we buy the necessary supplies to equip them for what we hope to be a successful, academic year.  Notebook paper, pencils, computers, and a wide range of other items deemed necessary by their teachers and professors fill their new backpacks.  Imagine the absurdity of the children taking these new items to school, but never using them.  What if we send them to class everyday, they listen to their teachers, then come home and never mention anything they learned?  How successful would they be without studying and homework?  At test time, how ludicrous would it be to have another child study the material for them?  Or worse, what if we prepared them, but did not take them to school? As Christians, we are guilty of this very scenario.  In America, we have free access to the Bible and we may freely attend the church of our choosing.  Yet, we do n...

The Accuser

If you were to ask most any person brought up in the Christian faith if they believe in God,  they would emphatically reply, "Yes!"  If you ask those same people if they believe Satan is real, they would likely answer with the same response.  Again, asking the same group of people, do you believe God is Truth and Satan is a liar, with great conviction the same answer would apply.  However, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for Christians is that we more readily listen to those lies the enemy throws at us.  For some reason, we have a much harder time trusting the Truth, although getting us to admit to that fact would be an even greater feat. Have you ever been involved in a mindless chore like washing dishes or getting ready for work when all of sudden you find yourself engaged in conversations in you head?  I cannot believe she talked to me that way?  I don't think she really likes me at all.  Or , I saw the way he looked at...


I walked out on back patio and my eyes settled on the various flower pots full of death.  Dry, withered roots, dry soil, plants that were once thriving now in a stage well past death.  No water, no life.  No matter the temperature outside if the plant is well watered, it can survive.  I began thinking about the death in my life, death brought about by sin--Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." In whatever stage of our life, we plant roots.  Our seeds are our decisions, actions, reactions.  Many of us have roots of bitterness, roots of anger, roots of hatred, roots of insecurity, roots of rejection and so on.  These roots sown by things we have done AND by things that have happened to us.  The fruit we bear is determined by where our roots lie.  If we are rooted in sin, we will bear the fruit of sin, but if we are rooted in Christ, we will bear His fruit.  The Holy Spi...

Fight the Good Fight

Lately I have found myself battling those same demons from my past, but those demons have been disguised in different, prettier packages.  None-the less, they are the same demons.  So, I questioned, God, why does this keep happening?  Why do I continue returning to those things that I have been so adamant about never going near again?   The answer came before I could even finish my thought.  "Stop starving me,"  He said.  At that moment, I am reminded of the following passage from 2 Peter 2:20-22: And when people escape from the wickedness of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then get tangled up and enslaved by sin again, they are worse off than before.  It would be better if they had never known the way to righteousness than to know it and then reject the command they were given to live a holy life. They prove the truth of this proverb: “A dog returns to its vomit.” And another says, “A washed pig returns to the mud.” I ca...


Sometimes we forget we are a 2-part species.  We are actually spirits encased in flesh.  When we die, we shed the flesh and our spiritual beings transcend to Heaven.  So, keeping that in mind, as we walk around on earth we are basically spirit in fleshly clothing, a carcass.  As Christians, our purpose is to "do the will of the Father" becoming dead to flesh, alive in Christ.  Matthew 7:21 records Jesus' words, "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."  Because this is such an important part of us even entering Glory upon physical death, and I believe it is vital to a victorious life here on earth, we must grasp this concept.  So, let's break it down. Flesh = Sin...sinful desires.  The Bible refers to lusts of the flesh--fleshly desires, if you will.  There are so many things that fall into this category.  When I think of "lusts ...

Riding a Bike

My estranged husband and I used to frequent Saint Simon's Island off of Brunswick, GA.  In fact, we were married there on the beach.  One of my favorite things to do while there was riding a bicycle around the island.  The historic trees branching over the street, the warm sun on my shoulders, salt air, the village buzzing with tourists.  Nothing as serene except, of course, the beach under the starry sky. Quiet back then, but now the new developments have given the small island a different feel.  Today, I began thinking about the simplicity of life there when we visited which was almost every other weekend.  I remembered getting on my bike with the large wheels necessary for riding on the beach.  I was wobbly, but it all came back as I began to ride.  Life is like that.  Life after having kids, life after divorce, life after any major event. As children, or adults who haven't ridden in years, we ma...

The Storm IS Over

Photo by: Nikolas Noonan "When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever."  Proverbs 10:25 After a natural storm subsides, there is always a cleanup process.  The same is true in life, in circumstances that seem as tumultuous as tornadoes.  Much like the force of destructive cyclones, we have been through whirlwinds of hardships, heartaches, death, grief, and devastating loss that has broken lives and scattered debris.  With our houses obliterated, our trees uprooted, our lives upended, we sit in the eerie silence that follows trying to regain some semblance of control.  We take a deep breath, put on our tall, rubber boots, and begin sifting through the muddy gunk left behind.  Within days, and sometimes even within hours, we find the clouds have moved out, and the sun is shining on the remaining vegetation generously watered by the drenching rain allowing spurts of new growth.  The birds are chirping, and a...

The Cinema

Like most, I pretty much have the same bedtime ritual every night.  You know, the whole brush my teeth, read for a short while, bedtime prayers, then it is lights out.  For many, eyes would close and then, they would be off to "the land of dreams."  Lately, I find that when I lie down, my ceiling looks exactly as it did when I crawled into bed two hours earlier.  At the moment that I am finally able to close my eyes, I find myself  in a mental theater.  The lights go down, the movie begins... Retrospective scenarios begin to flood the mental movie screen.  Imaginary rewrites to the script, a different ending played out before me.  I should have said...Why didn't I...If only I had... I should have...I could have...I would have... and the storyline changes a million times over.  There is a cinematic term that is so fitting for this intellective reenactment.  Mockumentary.  A fictional film that is delib...


C.S. Lewis wrote in A Grief Observed , "No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."  That is so unbelievably true.  Both grip your heart.  Both have an effect on your perception.  Both can be debilitating mentally, emotionally, spiritually, even physically.  The sister emotions can become intertwined, as well. In death, you have the heartbreak of losing someone you care about coupled with the fear of life never being "normal" again.  Both leave you saying, Where do I go from here?   Same goes for a bad breakup which to me feels also like a death--death of the person you thought you knew, death of a love you thought would last forever, death of a bond you thought to be unbreakable, a soul tie severed.  Then comes the fear, Will you ever be able to let someone that close, again?  Will you ever trust, again? Will you ever bounce back from this?  From a spiritual standpoint, we can grieve over sin be it intentional ...

The Truth About Lies

Photo by: Keyur Nandaniya This week I experienced pain and grief like I have not felt in quite some time. Blindsided, I experienced an overwhelming, devastating, painful wreckage. The toll of the complete stress I have endured for many weeks manifested itself yesterday. During Sunday morning worship, I collapsed---body, soul, mind, and even spirit.  Complete shutdown.  Okay, how did I get here, again? Then, revelation fell from Heaven and came to rest in my soul.  All this turmoil began with just one lie.  1 Kings 13 recounts the events that led to the violent death of a prophet while on divine assignment by God. Though I have read this story many times, the tragedy always perplexed me. Here we read of a man on a mission by the Lord who traveled to Bethel to confront the king about the ritual of burning incense on the altar which was in defiance of God's law. The man of God was commanded by God to neither eat nor drink in that place nor...