What is it? A temptation is defined by Dictionary.com as an enticement "to do something often regarded as unwise, wrong or immoral." Where does it come from? Usually, it is a device from Satan to entrap you, but often times God allows us to be tempted to test our faith.
My mother told me an interesting story the other day that I have been chewing on. It is the story of my aunt who smoked for many years and decided it was time to quit. So, what did she do? She put a pack of cigarettes on her mantle in plain sight and told herself, "I can have one if I want it, but I choose not to smoke." Once she determined to lay it down, she never picked them back up.
So, I related that very concept to any temptation. Overcoming temptation is not just by avoiding the temptation, but rather by choosing not to indulge in that very temptation. Sin is very appealing and can suck you in before you realize it. Overeating, for example, cannot be avoided by just not buying food. You have to have food to survive, but you can choose to stop eating when you are full and you can choose not to eat when you are not physically hungry. You can choose not to gossip even though your friends are engaged in scandalous conversation while sharing a meal with you. You can choose not to participate in an adulterous affair even though the married man is knocking on your door. And the list goes on... Now, I would not advise hanging out in a bar hoping not to drink. You must use common sense, but know you have the power to be free from sin even when you find yourself unexpectedly confronted. Make the choice to overcome. Make up your mind to overcome and through Jesus you will be victorious! If we do our part, He will most certainly do His.
Why is it so easy for some to overcome, but not for me? We all are tempted and we have all failed on this journey. Be of good cheer for we are not alone. I refer you to Romans 7:21-26 in which he tells us the "principle of life." He spoke of his own struggle within when he wrote, "when I want to do what is right I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God's law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war in my mind." Paul then exclaims, "Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?" I have felt that way so many times, but the apostle doesn't leave us without hope. He states, "Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord!"
My mother told me an interesting story the other day that I have been chewing on. It is the story of my aunt who smoked for many years and decided it was time to quit. So, what did she do? She put a pack of cigarettes on her mantle in plain sight and told herself, "I can have one if I want it, but I choose not to smoke." Once she determined to lay it down, she never picked them back up.
You can do it--you will overcome! He has already done it for you!
John 16:33 "...Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
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