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So Why a Blog?

Photo by Heidi Fin
For some time now, I have wanted to share my journey, but I did not have a forum in which to share it. After reading a friend's blog tonight, I became inspired! 

The reason I want to tell my story is that I have found myself surrounded by many people, young and old alike, who are making some of the same mistakes I made. I want to scream, "Stop right there! Do not make a move!" I know that seems a bit silly, and well, dramatic. Having spent my entire childhood and early adult years practically living in the church, I know most, if not all, the excuses used to justify bad behavior while praying for mercy and expecting God to clean up the mess. God is merciful; He does often give us multiple opportunities to get it together. However, the U-turns and the long road back can be downright, literal hell. I have heard it said that "when you have walked twelve miles into the woods, even though you have turned around and headed out, you will still have twelve miles to walk back." Now I know what my mother meant when she said, "I am just trying to save you some heartache." Oh man, do I wish I had listened!

So, here I am detailing my journey home and, though I have not fully arrived, I am well on my way. At this point, only God knows if I will feel compelled to tell you everything or if I will tell you more than I should. If my experiences help one person find the living God, the Jesus that saves us from ourselves, then I will count it all joy! 

I invite you, dear friends, to come and take the journey with me...


  1. WOW, WOW, WOW! I am so blessed to be surrounded by you and others with your spiritual beliefs and character. Way to go!

  2. Oh Brit, this is amazing, thank you for sharing it with me and I will look forward to learning something myself from traveling through your journey with you bunches..will keep you in prayer and may you bless others with the wisdom you've gained from following His word.


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