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Father's Day 2010

If you have read some of my previous blogs, you know the death of my father had a huge impact on my life. The death of a parent is something you never get over, but you learn to live with. You can heal, you can grow, and then, you can find peace. Today, though, I remember my daddy's life...

Ray John Barrington was born December 8, 1945 to Eddie and Clara Barrington. He was the second child, the older was Larry. Dad was born into a blue-collar family; his father a cop, his mother a homemaker. His brother Larry was an accomplished pianist who died at the age of 24 just before graduating from college with 2 degrees. My dad was 15 at the time and he carried the responsibiltiy of that death with him for many years. I think he even believed his parents blamed him in a way. So, my dad grew into a wild, reckless, live-for-the-moment kind of guy with no expectation of a long life, and certainly not a responsible life. God had a much different plan. A plan that would include a wife and three daughters!

After much prayer and intercession, my Dad was saved. I was very young so I don't really remember much about a time when he was not in church with us. The Lord cleaned him up, delivered him from alcohol, made him a faithful and responsible husband and father. Before he died, Dad was able to release some past hurts, regrets, guilt and condemnation.

I do remember that in the last year of his life, the Lord really dealt with him on "redeeming the time." I think that is a subject we should all seek out. We do not know what lies ahead, but we can walk everyday in the most that God has for us. We can use every minute we are given in His will and live life to the fullest.

I miss so much about my dad, but I have come to know my Heavenly Father in ways I never thought possible. Psalm 68:5 tell us, "A father of the God in His holy dwelling." We look to our earthly fathers to protect us, provide for us, correct us, rescue us. Who better to save our lives than The One Who gave us life? Father really does know best!

Deuteronomy 30:20
"...that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days..."


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