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At this stage in my journey, I am essentially a single mother of two beautiful girls, ages 2 and 3. My estranged husband still lives in Atlanta with no intentions of coming to south Georgia and I, of course, have no intentions of returning to Atlanta which to me is representative of Egypt. We have been separated for what will be two years on July 7th. From that time until this, Jehovah Jireh has taken care of His three girls!

When I left Atlanta, I was on maternity leave for our second child. Reesey was 6 weeks old and Carlisle was 21 mos. (WOW! Looking back, I wonder how did I ever have the strength to do that?) I brought with me only what would fit in my Nissan Maxima. My husband went to rehab and we came home, home being my mother's. You might say we entered a rehabilitation program also. As you can imagine, there has been very little financial support and certainly no consistent support. In August, I had to resign from my position at a very large, very reputable gastroenterology practice where I had been employed for three years. It was a tough decision that meant giving up the position, salary and benefits that a big city offers. I was unemployed for 3 months before finding a job with much less responsibility, half the salary, and virtually no benefits.

Today, though, my life has taken an about-face. Through the course of many events, the girls and I have our own place and I have my Atlanta job back. Well, a better variation of it. I get to work from home which is something I've wanted for years without the responsibilites that come with a management position. My car is paid for and Carlisle was able to start ballet this past spring.

God's provision is not limited to my payroll check from my employer. He does send money from other sources, but His provision is not just limited to cash. I have a friend whose little girl is two years older than my oldest, but she is very petite. We have been the proud recipients of all of her "gently-used" clothes. All name-brand, all look brand new. Not only are they the right size, but they also come in the right season. For example, my friend actually told me this weekend, she is sending last season's winter clothes. The summer clothes Carlisle wore last year, Reese is wearing this year! I buy clothes from time to time if I catch a really good sale, or for birthdays and Christmas or what have you, but the point is, He has already provided clothes for the upcoming seasons for two years!

My Father takes care of his kids! Consider the lilies...

Luke 12:27-29 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. "

Another scripture I have held close is Psalm 127:2 which states: "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves."

**The footnote to this scripture states "for while they sleep He provides for"


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