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"Anyone can be angry--that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way--that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy."


When I think of a flared temper or anger, I always envision a volcano. In doing research for my daughter's science project last year, I read several articles about them and learned a thing or two. So much like human nature, volcanoes are reactive under pressure. They can literally blow their top!  Now, there are two main types of eruption. The type most people are familiar with is the very visual, most dramatic, fire-breathing, explosive eruption. There is also the more subtle, oozing eruption that seeps hot lava into the ocean and surrounding vegetation burning up everything in its path. Both forms of eruption are volatile and destructive much like human ire.

We are made in God's image. All through the Old Testament you read of God's anger being poured out on His enemies and even on His own people because of His jealousy for them or due to their disobedience and wicked ways. So, doesn't it make sense that we too would feel this very real emotion at times in our lives because we feel an injustice has been done to us? The Bible says we can "be angry and sin not." Unfortunately, that whole "sin not" part eludes us.

"Don't sin by letting anger control you." Psalm 4:4

Out of hostility and frustration with God's people, Moses struck the rock in the book of Numbers and essentially forfeited his destiny--The Promised Land. He could only see it from the outside, but he would never partake of the fruit of the land. Psalm 106:33 tell us Moses became "angry and spoke foolishly." Truly, I can see where I have allowed raw emotions and disappointments get me so distracted, I would wander off the path that would lead to God's freedom in my life. It has taken years to find my way back to a not perfected, but a more focused walk with the Lord no longer blinded by disillusion, anger, unforgiveness, misunderstanding, hurt, rejection, and so on and so on. I often wonder what jewels or blessings I missed along the way.

Think about your reactions of late. Have you blown your top over silly things? I sure have. There have been moments that I can hear how petty or ridiculous I am being, but I cannot seem to stop the spewing while thinking why in the world is this so upsetting to me. When I get over myself, stop sulking, and soul search for a while, revelation comes. Often the reaction stems from something much deeper than the trigger that set me off. Typically, fear, rejection, or hurt is the foundation of the volcano. Other times frustration is at the core of the maddening meltdown. I find that once again I am taking matters into my own hands rather than letting God do things His way.

"People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and are angry at the Lord." Proverbs 19:3

Perhaps, you are more patient in the moment, but you tend to hold a grudge. Did you know some volcanoes can ooze for years? That is what unforgiveness looks like. Bubbling up and out of the mouth hurt and bitterness spill over onto everyone in your path. Rarely the perpetrator is the one who falls victim to your wrath, but it is the innocent bystanders who suffer the consequences. Or, God bless it, the poor sap who must listen as you rehash all the injustices perpetrated on you. I have heard myself recount things that happened and realize I have not forgiven the person that hurt me, or let go of the trauma I suffered, nor have I given God the disappointments.  Each time you relive that painful incident, you ooze. From experience I forewarn you, the fake-it-til-you-make-it mentality will tell on you and often in a most humiliating way.

Make the decision to live a life that does not cause destruction. Be a person who, rather than speaking rashly like a piercing sword, has healing on the tongue. Be "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." Let your light so shine that He may be glorified in you!

*Know this:  Not one person nor one thing on this planet is worth forfeiting your destiny--your Promised Land.


Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."


Written by Brittni Laughlin, August 14, 2018


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