The Old Testament story of the life of Joseph is a treasure chest of jewels. Gems of wisdom, hope, and the knowledge that all things truly work together for good. Joseph's name, as so many in the Bible, foretells the life of the man who would endure much, for his name in Hebrew means "may Yaweh add." This series was born of one blog, the overall story, but every phase of the life of the misunderstood Joseph is full of lessons, real life lessons. So, let's take a journey into the perils of the boy who would one day be "in charge of the whole land of Egypt." The story spans from Genesis 37 through Genesis 50, the final chapter of the first book of the Bible. As I begin, I cannot tell you how many blogs will be in this series or how long it will take until our bellies are full! I can tell you, though, that I cannot wait to see what treasures we pick up along the way! May God bless us on this journey in His invaluable Word!
How long will you slumber? The whispered words from Heaven sent a jolt through my spirit as a blaring alarm clock in the early hours of the morning. I sat bolt upright in my bed feeling a divine transformation taking place in the very depths of my being. It's time to get up! There is work to do. I cannot tell you how many times in the past few months I have absolutely whined about everything . In part because I have been suspended in the mire of complacency, living an unimpressive life wandering about in an uninspiring, unproductive, lackadaisical spiritual walk. Feeling trapped in circumstances out of my control while being rocked by the waves of indecision and doubt and self-degradation, I had been lulled to sleep. I was not trapped. I was stalled. Body, mind, and spirit. Paused. I cannot tell you how many times in the past few months I have absolutely whined about everything . In part because I have been suspended in the mire of complacency...
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