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At His Feet

As you may know from earlier posts, I was very moved by Beth Moore's study, Jesus: 90 Days With the One and Only . The study really draws you into an intimacy with Him. The study enlightens you on the complexities and the very essence of Who He was and Is!

During this study, I would sit on the floor with the study guide and my Bible while I completed the day's devotion. (I say devotion for lack of a better word. The lessons are short like a devotion, but the depth was often overwhelming.) At the end of each lesson there is a prayer. At that time, I would have my personal prayer time. I would imagine Jesus sitting on the sofa while I sat at His feet. These were very special times for me. I felt so very close to Him and that I could tell Him EVERYTHING...and I did just that. Upon completion of that study, I moved on to another, but my routine changed. Somewhere in all of the reorganization of my daily activities, I lost this very valuable time of sitting at His feet. The longer I was away the more I longed for that time. I kept feeling Him drawing me, yet I just couldn't seem to get it all back together again.

Recently our church, Joyful Life, hosted a 3-day revival led by Denise Percival whose ministry is unique and so very powerful. The revival began on a Friday evening. That particular morning, I sat down at my desk and I began to feel very overwhelmed by the wooing of the Holy Spirit. I began to cry out to the Lord saying, "I miss You so much! I have to have that time back somehow even if I have to get up at 4:00 a.m. I don't want to lose You ever again!" So, the second night of revival came and the minister's message was, "Sitting at His Feet." She spoke about and illustrated her Jesus chair, the place where she sat at His feet and told Him ALL. I could almsot see Jesus looking straight at me with a half grin and a wink of the eye. Toward the end of the message, she spoke to different ones in the congregation. Ms. Percival looked directly at me and said, "You need to be doing this everyday! You need to say, 'You know, Jesus, today was rough.' You need to have that time with Him. You need to talk and you need to listen." All I could do was smile and nod in agreement for I had already received the personal invitation the previous day. It was an awesome confirmation that Jesus really does care and He really wants to spend quality time with us. Imagine, the Son of the Living God, the Creator of the Universe!

So now, I do get up earlier and have a cup of coffee with My Lord and Savior. I pour two cups of hot coffee and we meet at my dining room table every morning. It is such a delight to wake up and start the day with the One who made it!

Now, I know this might sound a little strange, but if He is to be All to us, we have to let Him in on everything. We have to invite His direction and guidance. He does, afterall, have a much better view of our future. I will admit in the beginning I felt a little awkward. The worst part was intimidation and feeling unworthy to ask for the Master's attention. You can imagine my surprise when He not only met me there, He overwhelmed me. Here's my take on it:

I remind you of the story of the "immoral woman" who anointed Jesus' feet with expensive perfume. The complete story is found in Luke 7 beginning with verse 36. The moral of the story? He has forgiven all my many sins and thrown them into the depths of the sea. How can I not love this man, Jesus? How wonderful to be able to sit at this feet, anoint them with expensive perfume, and wash them with your own tears. He has been so very good to me. To You, Jesus, all my heart--

Luke 7:47: “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.”


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