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Photo by Ruan Richard
shatter /ˈSHadÉ™r/ v. 

  1. cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces; explode
  2. to damage, as by breaking or crushing
  3. to be broken into fragments

The sound of a glass breaking is distinct and unmistakable. Without seeing the event or understanding the circumstances surrounding the event, you instantly know the result. Broken glass. Once shattered, the damage sustained is irreparable. Collecting all the tiny shards is impossible. The fragmented glass may once again take shape when the big pieces are bonded together, but there will be holes and leaks and fractures forevermore. There will always be brokenness. 

When the heart breaks, pain emanates from the point of impact throughout the body, mind, and spirit. The once whole person is shattered into a million pieces in a single, life-altering moment. The inward aches while the outward shell goes numb. Breath is painful. Words will not come; seclusion feels safe. The human spirit is crushed. 

We are taught that love heals, but if love is what hurts us, how are we supposed to heal? 

Human love is imperfect. The Father's love is pure, unequaled, and unconditional. This love is the adhesive that holds us together. He is our only hope.

Psalm 147:3, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."


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