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A Letter To My Love on our Wedding Day

You asked me once why I love you so much. There are so many reasons. New ones present themselves every day. So, I know I will be unable to recount them all here, but I wanted you to know how very much I love you!

My single-life journey began nearly 8 years ago and it has certainly been a long one to travel alone. I am thankful for this path because it has been one of growth and maturity, strength building and spiritual awakening, faith-building, and learning to rest in God's plan, one to toughen me up in some areas and to soften me in other areas. Along this strenuous journey, I found you.

You are a sturdy man with broad shoulders and macho-man muscles big enough to carry not just one, but three girls. A beautiful man with strong hands, a tender heart, and most importantly, a love for Jesus. You make me feel safe. Your love for my girls touches the depths of my soul and that quirky sense of humor keeps me laughing all the time. When I am with you, I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, like the only woman in the world.

Every single day, I thank God for you. I look forward to many adventures together and the start of a new journey, our journey. My cup runneth over.

2 Chronicles 6:4, "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, Who has fulfilled with His hands what He promised with His mouth..."


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