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Weapons Will Form

If you had to choose one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Only a few months ago, my word would have been gray. The same word used to describe ashes or overcast skies. I woke up with the new year realizing I had taken up residence in a perpetual state of nothingness. Merely existing. Barely walking, barely talking, barely breathing, no identity. I was melting into the gray walls of life.  Going through the motions, but dying from the inside out.

Two failed marriages and a brief, yet destructive relationship later, my prayer was to not become entangled in another relationship, romantic or otherwise, that was not a divine connection. I prayed, do not let anyone cross my path lest you send them. For years, it seemed as though that prayer had been answered until I found myself at the end of another it-wasn't-what-it-seemed and how-could-I-be-so-blind misadventure. The shiny apple with a rotten core. This time instead of shouldering all the blame as was typical, I lashed out at the One who could have prevented the entire situation. He, who was supposed to be my protector and my defender, had surely failed me. The proverbial carrot dangled in my face and snatched away about the time I was finally letting my guard down felt like a very cruel joke at my expense. Years of struggling to keep my head above water in many areas of my life left me feeling betrayed, and quite frankly, forsaken by my Creator.  Devastation draped itself around me. My entire faith foundation began crumbling to the point of questioning the existence of my risen Savior.

Many things transpired over the following weeks with several small aha! moments that helped me regain strength and equilibrium. My defenses began to lower as I attended church more often. During one such service, the choir was singing a familiar ballad about self-sacrificing, laying down every desire, every dream, every plan in exchange for God's ultimate plan. That was no problem for me to sing because we know God's plan is always greater than our own. However, I completely froze when we reached the verse that begins with, "Take my heart..." The words would not come out of my mouth. Reality moment. I had no problem trusting God with my life but trusting Him with my heart was another matter entirely. Indeed, there was much work to be done here.

Then, one glorious morning, my resurrection morning, there was a breakthrough! I nonchalantly opened Facebook and at the top of my newsfeed someone had shared a post by Marcus Stanley. A gem left for me by my Father. Such a simple statement. "Weapons will form, but they will not prosper." This comes from Isaiah 54:17 which is a scripture I quote nearly every morning in my prayers with the girls before dropping them at school. As you can imagine, it is a verse I know very well, and yet, I was completely missing the point. Uncontrollable tears streamed down my face. God had not betrayed me. He had not failed me. He is forever faithful, and He alone can be trusted with my heart. All of it. 

Out of ignorance, we often pray what we think are humble, noble, or even righteous prayers that are contradictory to scripture or even to the very nature of God. As in my case, those naïve prayers were coming from a place of fear. Fear of hurt, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, fear of making a mistake, fear of disappointment, and so on. The scripture is noticeably clear. Weapons will form. So, rather than praying for the weapons (problems, hardships, traps, etc.) not to form, we should pray for wisdom to recognize the calamitous agenda, discernment to identify the intended purpose for which it was sent, and the strength to not succumb, but rather to foil the enemy's plan against us.

Everything that comes our way ultimately has a divine purpose behind it. The life lessons, hardships, all-out attacks against us will work something in us, work something out of us, or strengthen our spiritual muscles, grow our faith, and heighten our level of trust. Be assured no matter how bad it seems, no matter how bleak your situation, or how gray your life has become, all things will be turned around for your good and the sun will come out on your circumstances. (Romans 8:28)

I leave you with the words of Jesus found in John 16:33, "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


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