I miss you so much.
On my drive home today, I was thinking about you and all the things I have missed about you in your absence. Though losing you would have been devastating to me as a young child, I find losing you as an adult was crippling. The reason? There are many. You made me laugh all the time and you were the voice of reason when I could not make sense of things. I could never get too far out of line or forget my place without spurring the hand of correction into action. Thanks for that. You were my provider. We may not have had the best of everything, but we had everything we needed. As protector and defender, you were my knight in shining armor shielding me from things that I probably never knew about. Locking up the house at night once we all went to sleep was probably a small, mundane task for you. For your little girl, it was security. There was no fear of intruders; you were on guard. Most importantly, you loved me. Never once did I doubt that.
On my drive home today, I was thinking about you and all the things I have missed about you in your absence. Though losing you would have been devastating to me as a young child, I find losing you as an adult was crippling. The reason? There are many. You made me laugh all the time and you were the voice of reason when I could not make sense of things. I could never get too far out of line or forget my place without spurring the hand of correction into action. Thanks for that. You were my provider. We may not have had the best of everything, but we had everything we needed. As protector and defender, you were my knight in shining armor shielding me from things that I probably never knew about. Locking up the house at night once we all went to sleep was probably a small, mundane task for you. For your little girl, it was security. There was no fear of intruders; you were on guard. Most importantly, you loved me. Never once did I doubt that.
My heavenly Father did bring good from something so horrible for I have learned to rely on Him for provision, direction, and wisdom. He proves Himself to be my protector, my knight in shining armor. I do not have to fear for God is with me. He loved me so much He sent Jesus to die for me and the Holy Spirit to comfort me. I do not doubt His love for me. The Bible tells me, Jesus, my defender is forever interceding on my behalf. In His loving way, my Savior has never let me wander too far before guiding me back to the path He has chosen for me.
You see, I have learned to trust Him for all
those things I looked for in you and He has never once failed me. Because you were a wonderful, dependable father to me here on Earth, I knew what to look for and appreciate in Him for He loves me even better than you did! That makes me blessed and highly favored! 💓
I love you.
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling."
Psalm 68:5,
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