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A Sea of Indecision

Photo by Alin Meceanu
James 1:5 - 8 "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."

I have read this passage many times over the years and I have likely heard it recited many more times. I always looked at the verse as a general context for believing God for anything we ask of Him. However, this week the passage in James was illuminated to me in an entirely different light ministering to me in a life-changing way. 

Begrudgingly, I woke up on Saturday morning, collapsed on my sofa, and opened my Bible. I prayed, "God, I need something from You this morning. I need nourishment from Your Word. I just need something!" I felt impressed to turn to the book of James. I read the entire book, and there were a few things that I chewed on, but nothing really stirred me. Sunday morning, again, I felt a nudge to read James, but still, nothing life-altering sprang from the pages. 

After taking my sweet girls to school Monday morning, I opened my Bible to James, yet again. Oh Hallelujah, Glory Be, and Amen, I saw the light!  The above passage is not about asking God for things, but about praying for wisdom and trusting that you will receive the wisdom for which you have prayed. So simple. For the next two days, the God-breathed words continued to resonate while making its way down to the depths of my spirit producing life in me.

Through all the hardships in the last several years, I have prayed, "God, give me wisdom. I do not want to look to the right or to the left. I do not want to go back to who I was before, nor to things I used to desire to fill the void in my life. I need You. I need Your help. Please, do not let me fall."

The passage in James tells us if we ask for wisdom, God will give it to us generously; however, there is a condition.  "BUT when you ask, you must believe AND not doubt lest we become double-minded and not receive anything." I was tied up in knots in literal torment trying to make decisions.  Every day was filled with if this, then that; if that, then this. With no stability, I was being tossed about in the raging sea of indecision. The thing is, I had already sought God for wisdom. The scripture clearly states He will give wisdom generously to all. That is His will to do so. So, why was I fretting?  

Right there I prayed, "God, I am making this decision. This is what I have decided to do, but I need your help to do it. If I have make the wrong decision, I pray for your intervention. I pray you will stop it." I walked away and left it there. Instantly, the weight was lifted, the burden gone! Oh, what freedom and joy and peace ensued!

You may be thinking what if you made the wrong decision? Truthfully, I may have as it remains to be seen, but the outcome is irrelevant.  Scripture tells us He is well able to keep that which belongs to Him. I cannot thwart His plan for me. I am a little human and He is a great, big God. Besides, there are gifts of wisdom in every mistake. If we ask, we will receive. God is our Refuge, our Rock, and our Redeemer!  There is no God like Jehovah!

So, if you are being tossed about in a sea of indecision, I encourage you to seek God's wisdom, make a decision, and place it in His hands. Then, go and enjoy the peace and freedom and joy unspeakable that will surely follow! 

Job 12:13, "But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are His."


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