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Love Who God Made You

So many of us are our own worst critics. Often times, we try to change things about ourselves that we believe to be unlovely. We set the bar so high that is impossible to reach much less surpass. Hollywood sets the standard, our family sets the standard, the people we attend church with set the standard. God Almighty IS the standard and He loves us the way we are. He not only wants us to be who and what He created us to be, but He will help us get there! Our Creator is ever molding and shaping us. That is, if we allow Him to.

As I look back over the past several years, I see me...the chameleon. While it can be good to be able to adapt to your environment, it is not good to lose who you are in the process. When my husband and I separated, I came to terms with a very harsh reality. I had no idea who I was. What music do I like? What color schemes and what style of decorating do I like? How do I like my hair or what is my style of dress? For almost 10 years, I had someone else deciding these things for me. That is very wrong! When you marry someone, you are united as one, but you are still two individual people with two individual brains! (Well, we were at least born with our own's debatable how many people actually use theirs! HA!) More to the point, I would adapt to be pleasing, accepted. Although, I never really was because I wasn't like the group I was trying so hard to be a part of. The Bible describes us as a peculiar people.

On the other hand, I know many people who detest some of their straight-from-God personality "quirks." You know, a head-strong person should not despise this attribute. It is an attribute that must be channeled properly, but people with a strong determination for Kingdom purposes can be powerful workers. These are the folks that actually get things done...get results. Those who are meek and soft-spoken can get results with a different approach. You know, the catch more flies with honey thing. Some people do not respond well to an aggressive person while others may walk all over a meek spirit. We need all personalities and gifts and talents. God is creative and He has unlimited resources.

Yes, even the chameleon can have great effectiveness. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some." (1 Corinthians 9:22 [NIV]) The New Living Translation records the latter part of this passage as "Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. "

We need to be able to reach the masses, not just those we like or those who are like us. We have to be about the Father's business. What a great advantage to have a resource for every situation. Everyone was made by God, and thus, can be used by and for Him! He is the Master Creator. Who am I to criticize His handiwork?

Psalm 139:14
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."


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