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As you know by now, I have two daughters ages 2 and 3. This month, they both began taking gymnastics at our local YMCA. Tonight was their second night of class, and they are having a blast, but WOW are we all tired!!! Afterwards, we made a few stops before going home. When we arrived, I helped Carlise, the older child, out of her seat and watched as she ambled up to the front door of our apartment. The poor kid moved as if each foot weighed a ton. I called out to her to be careful and to watch her step. She did stumble a little while making her way to her assigned spot where she stood patiently while I helped her younger sister, Reese, out of the car. The younger followed exactly in the older's steps. She ambled, she stumbled, she waited.

I started thinking about our walk through life. We get so very tired. Our feet feel so heavy as we become overwhelmed with the cares of this life. If we listen,though, we can hear our Father calling out to us, "Be careful. Watch your step." He keeps us from falling into temptation or helps us to stumble forward rather than backward. Psalm 34:15, Amplified, tells us that "The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry." He does love us so much and He wants to carry the load for us just as it is in the text of Footprints in the Sand. The author defines the moment of "one set of footprints" as being a time when Jesus is carrying us. We will amble, we will stumble, and if we will wait patiently, we will hear His voice. We will feel Him lift us above the circumstances, out of the "horrible pit" David describes in the book of Psalms.

After I had been home (literally at my mother's)about a year, I laid down one night on a mattress on the floor which I shared with Carlisle, who was 2 at the time. I closed my eyes and said, "God I am so tired." I, then, saw in my mind images of Christ carrying the cross, up a hill, all alone. No one stood with Him, no one to carry the load for Him. Even his own Father, God of all Creation, was about to turn His head. I said, Lord, You are right. Christ had to carry the literal weight of the entire world on His shoulders. All I have to carry is my own. Then, in that still, small voice, He replied, "And you don't even have to carry that." I drifted off to sleep...

Psalm 61:2 "From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."


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