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Do Not Go There

Photo by Will Porada
Earlier this week, a snippet of a fire-and-brimstone sermon from somewhere in my youth came back to me in weird randomness. Fuzzy details of the setting loom in the corners of my mind trying to come to the forefront, but never actually forming a clear memory. I truly do not remember the who, what, when, whereof the matter, but what I do remember resonates.

In this foreboding sermon, the minister is warning of the dangers of dabbling in worldly pleasures and such. "Don't go anywhere Jesus wouldn't go with you." At the time, I am sure I rolled my eyes in a covert manner, probably sighed--inwardly, of course--as I tossed this tidbit away thinking Brother Old Fogey just could not relate to the current times. After all, didn't Jesus have dinner with sinners?

In retrospect, this concept is absolutely true and applicable to every generation of old and young alike. When we find ourselves tiptoeing around in areas we know we should not, we can ease our way right out from under that umbrella of protection. That is not to say, our omnipotent Father does not know where we are even in our sin. If we call out with a humble, repentant heart, He will come speedily to our rescue. David wrote in Psalm 51:7, "...a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore." However, we will most likely experience unnecessary hurts and setbacks along the way. Avoidable U-turns, if you will, not to mention the indescribably cold darkness that lurks outside the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91)

As I began thinking of my own struggles of late, the light-bulb flashing, bells ding-dinging, the eureka moment springs forth...if Jesus would not go there, neither should I. Come with me to the other side of this most relevant sermon.

How many times as Christians have we maliciously spread gossip under the guise of sharing prayer requests or seeking Godly counsel? How often do we engage in self-pity or go to great lengths to solicit attention? We embark on a self-righteous scouting expedition to judge the fruit of our fellow believers while our own fruit is rotting, our attitudes are putrid, and our emotions have gone amuck. Repeatedly we use the hammer of condemnation rather than allowing love to make room for God's conviction in God's timing. We readily participate in slanderous conversations, go on angry, emotional tirades, and bathe in self-indulgence.

So today, I challenge you, instead of conforming to the crowd, let's take a time out for a heart and mind transformation:

If Jesus would not go there in His conversation...neither should I.
If Jesus would not go there in His thoughts...neither should I.
If Jesus would not go there in His attitude...neither should I.
If Jesus would not go there in His emotions...neither should I.

If Jesus would not go there...DO NOT GO THERE!

"But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living." 1 Peter 1:15 


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