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Showing posts from April, 2015

Can I Say I Love You?

Photo by Jude Beck The most over-used, tired phrase in the history of the human species is "I love you." Now, some may argue the opposite; people do not truly know how much they are loved. I believe people do not trust those three words because the words no longer carry the weight they were intended to from the very beginning of creation. The banal words are often used to manipulate, control, seduce, entice, deceive, replace an apology, or even to fill an awkward silence or uncomfortable moment. We paste on a fake smile and spew falsities while wielding a sword of betrayal for our own hidden agendas.  We say, "I love you," to appear to be the better person rising above the situation all the while conspiring a subtle, yet cruel retaliation. This morning, I decided to go straight to the love chapter in the book that guides us through the whys and the hows of this life--God's love letter to us--to examine my own heart. Can I honestly say, "I love you?" ...

The Dance

Photo by David Hoffman Admittedly, deep--and I must stress very deep--into the cavernous parts of my being, I am a romantic. The idea of the white knight coming to my rescue and making all the wrong things right, standing in my defense, wielding a redemptive sword on my behalf is heart-warming, comforting even. The oneness of the slow dance, two bodies moving in unison, a complete surrender to the one leading the dance is beautiful. However, my reality is solidarity; I am dancing solo. My journey has been one mostly walked alone. Do not misunderstand. I have a wonderful family and support system, and two lovely girls who make my heart smile. I am surrounded by those who pray for me and wish me well. Engulfed in a sea of well-meaning people, I stand alone.  As a single mother, making multiple, split-second decisions is a daily task. Some I actually get right, but some days I could sure use a do-over. Of course, there are those...