Have you ever felt like the moment you begin to make progress in life or at your job or even in relationships you inevitably end up up-ended??? I have...several times especially in recent years. I told someone just the other day, "It seems as soon as I finally start making headway, gaining speed, feet finally leaving the ground, BAM--back on my hind end. Then, it is just as Ray Charles sang,"Here we go, again." God, why? Then, I read about Joseph in the ending chapters of Genesis. Wrongly accused numerous times over the years, his story unfolds with an almost fairy tale ending blessed with a life "above what he could dare think or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20) Journey with me through the perils of Joseph, the man "God sent ahead to preserve life." (Genesis 45:7) As we know the story begins with a young Joseph, his father's favorite, who we have to believe was either very boastful because of pride or si...
"The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success..." Genesis 24:40