This morning I am writing from a very dark, very lonely, very painful place. David writes in Psalm 55:4, "My heart is grievously pained within me..." For 2 1/2 years after returning home from Atlanta, I have been shielded. My heart had a barrier, my eyes had blinders, my ears were covered from anyone and anything except the Lord. I was in deep pursuit of all that is holy and He restored me, healed me, set my feet on the right course. However, the past 6 months, I'd say, I have felt like that shield was lifted and fiery darts have been thrown from every direction. Temptations, curiosities, longings, have come to pull me away, to drag me to certain death. Death of spirit, death of heart, death of mind. I told my close friend only a few days ago, I would rather be dead inside than to feel like I feel at this very moment. You see, the enemy laid a trap for me and I jumped right in with both feet. Blindsided, again. I fe...
"The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success..." Genesis 24:40