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Showing posts from September, 2010

Fix Your Eyes

Over the past few weeks, I keep hearing the words, "fix your eyes on Me." I've noticed during my walk with the Lord that when He lays something on your heart, you can rest assured you will hear it more than once and usually from various sources. Such has been the case with this phrase. So, naturally, I am sharing this with you. This topic could actually make up an entire page rather than just a few paragraphs, but I can tell you for me, there are two very real reasons we should fix our eyes on Jesus: 1) To avoid temptations and 2) To resist doubt You know, in life, we are bombarded with so many distractions and temptations. Things come at us to entice and to allure us. Most often, we don't even realize we have lost our focus until we wake up one morning saying, "God, what is wrong with me?" or "How did I end up here, again? What was I thinking?" Matthew 6:22-24 (NIV) is recorded as, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes ar...

At His Feet

As you may know from earlier posts, I was very moved by Beth Moore's study, Jesus: 90 Days With the One and Only . The study really draws you into an intimacy with Him. The study enlightens you on the complexities and the very essence of Who He was and Is! During this study, I would sit on the floor with the study guide and my Bible while I completed the day's devotion. (I say devotion for lack of a better word. The lessons are short like a devotion, but the depth was often overwhelming.) At the end of each lesson there is a prayer. At that time, I would have my personal prayer time. I would imagine Jesus sitting on the sofa while I sat at His feet. These were very special times for me. I felt so very close to Him and that I could tell Him EVERYTHING...and I did just that. Upon completion of that study, I moved on to another, but my routine changed. Somewhere in all of the reorganization of my daily activities, I lost this very valuable time of sitting at His feet...

Kindred Spirits

Have you ever met someone and instantly you were bonded to them for life? It felt like you've known them always? This is the case with my estranged husband's brother and his wife. They are like my own brother and sister. Even with all that has transpired over the past two years in my marriage, they have kept in touch and have continued to pray for us. So tonight, I want to share a very small part of their story... Gaston and Kynn Bilbo are phenominal people. They are very involved in their local church where they are faithful in tithes and offerings. They have literally fed the poor, visited the sick, and even visited those in prison. (We'll get to that in a minute.) I have seen this couple grow and mature in their faith by leaps and bounds over the past 10 years. Their growth spurt, if you will, has been an inspiration to me. Their hunger has made me hungry. Their excitement in the things of God has made me excited. They truly are contagious! Many years ago,...