Written by: Carlisle Bilbo There have been several deaths in our family in recent years. Each time I hear of s o meone's pa ssing I cannot help but think of the finality of life ended. What is done is done. There are no do-overs. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that "sorrow is better than laughter because s ober reflection is good for the heart." In these times of reflection, the Bible offers so much insight into the divine nature of God and into the very human nature of people. Reg retting wasted years, I have been thinking quite a bit about God's plan for my life, but in looking back over those years, I can see God's guidance, protection, and His prov ision. The rain brought growth and the days of sunshine enabled me to stand tall. The years of drought and of plenty taught me stability and the importance of "being content in whatever state I am in." (Philippians 4:11) I see the missteps, too. For a long time, I have felt like much of the heartache I ...
"The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success..." Genesis 24:40