My five-year-old brought home a wonderful question from her pre-K class that has really become quite useful in our everyday lives. I have even applied it in my spiritual life as well as in making some major, life-decisions. The question, "Is that helpful or hurtful?" Usually, when applied at our house, the question applies more to what is coming out of our mouths than our actions--what is being said seems to cause a lot more damage than what is being done. Bad behavior inevitably begins with unkind, sassy, harmful words. So, I've been reflecting on my conversations with everyone--my kids, my family, my friends, acquaintances, strangers and so on. I must admit, I am guilty of not thinking before I speak. Throughout the Bible, there are multiple references to idle words. That is, unproductive, inactive, of no real worth, importance, or significance, as defined by . One ...
"The LORD, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success..." Genesis 24:40